Saturday, 8 November 2014

08/11/14 - INDUSTRY PROJ. (Fashion Film concept board)

Sample of film concept board - Caroline Wong
For the film, I decided that I wanted the aesthetic of it to be clean and sleek in order to tie in with Jil Sander's ethos. The film is also to be filmed in black and white as I believe this will help achieve a cleaner cut and look to the final film. 

Whilst planning the film, I have decided not to do a storyboard due to two reasons. Firstly, I have made a note of the types of shots I want and I have a rough idea in my mind of what I want to create however I don't want this to be set in stone. I feel that if I have a rigid idea put down on a page I could end up overlooking a number of great shots and therefore one reason I have decided not to storyboard is so that I won't limit the footage I collect and therefore there is room for a happy accident. The second reason is that because there is no direct story to the film and it is being used solely to showcase the clothing for the collection and the atmosphere/concept for the collection, it is difficult to put down exactly what shots I want and how they will look in sequence. I wish to be free in the creation of this film from the concept and structure right down to the footage and editing. 

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