Sunday, 7 September 2014

05/09/14 - 'Structure' concept board

In my concept board for 'structure' above, I've included images of Gego and Do Ho Suh's work I've seen in the Royal Academy of Art and Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Seoul respectively. Whilst the image of Do Ho Suh's 'Home within Home within Home within Home within Home' captures the scale of the piece and shows it to be imposing, Gego's work reveals a lighter and daintier side to structures.

For a first experience creating a concept board, I found the exercise we did rather helpful. We were encouraged to arrange other people's concept boards whilst having our own rearranged too. This managed to help open me up to the different ways in which other people work and it was nice to see diversity in the style of boards created. Whilst I like my presentation to appear clean and crisp visually, it was a nice surprise to walk around and find other concept boards that were busy and hectic and in my opinion, messy- which isn't necessarily a bad thing. Seeing other people's concept boards has also made me think about finding more images as Mark also mentioned, "when it comes to concept boards, more is more". For my 'attachment' board, I will aim to use as many images as possible to reference from. 

My final images are blown up scans of areas I liked most in the photograph of the waterfall I looked into on our first day. I chose to only focus on the geology in the photo as it was what resonated as structural to me. The large A4 photo is a scan I took from an editorial in Vogue Korea (August 2014). I especially liked the colors used in the spread as a whole and I felt like the image tied in well with the nature side of attachment.

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