Sunday, 21 September 2014

18/09/14 - Life Drawing

Today's life drawing class was fun, fast paced and enjoyable. Since I've done life drawing on numerous occasions, I was awfully excited to begin (as strange as wanting to draw a naked lady is). Through GCSE and A-Level art, I was encouraged to utilise the opportunity offered by my school to attend life drawing but it wasn't until I did life drawing workshops as a member of AttRAct at the RA last year when I really started to enjoy myself.

During the workshop, I aimed to revisit some techniques and mini exercises I'd gone through during those AttRAct workshops and I even found the courage within me to create a piece using color. My favorite pieces were those done in traditional black charcoal where I aimed to create more interesting images through the use of different marks. My main focus when it comes to life drawing is giving the figure life. I always aim to incorporate tone as a means of showing and hollowing out flesh and if I think there is strength in a particular leg for instance, I will try to show this through darker lines on the figure.

Towards the end, we were given 5 minute poses and were allowed to explore these in any way we saw fit. At this point, I moved from A1 sheets of paper to my sketchbook and delved into drawing the figure in the way I thought could relate to the muse I've been creating in Promotion. I drew these to highlight the mundane life of my muse since I want her to be as realistic and relatable to as possible. Such poses included: dressing to answer the door on a cold morning, leaning against the kitchen counter... chatting on the phone, and running to the overflowing hob.

I don't have any criticisms of the work I did today since I think it's been fun and possibly long overdue. It was great to feel at home again, getting back in touch with the things I used to do since so far, the art foundation has been a lot of new experiences thrown at me relentlessly. That's not to say I don't love it, far from it in fact, but there's always something so warm and comforting about going back to your roots where you first started drawing naked ladies in school in Year 9.

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